“Promuovere la sicurezza. La gestione dei rischi nelle organizzazioni complesse“. Bracco F. – Carocci Editore
“Safety Management Systems in the Process Industry “. Cacciabue, P.C., Gerbaulet I., and Mitchison
“Expertise and Technology: Cognition and Human-Computer Interaction”. Hoc, J.M., Cacciabue, P.C., and Hollnagel – Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, New Jersey.
“Modelling and Simulation of Human Behaviour in System Control”. Cacciabue, P.C. – Springer-Verlag, London, UK.
“Guide to Applying Human Factors Methods”. Cacciabue, P.C. – Springer-Verlag, London, UK.
“Modelling Driver Behaviour in Automotive Environments: Critical Issues in Driver Interactions with Intelligent Transport Systems”. Cacciabue, P.C. – Springer-Verlag, London, UK.
“Sicurezza del Trasporto Aereo. In Italian”. Cacciabue, P.C. – Springer-Verlag, Milan, Italy.
“Human Modelling in Assisted Transportation: Models, Tools and Risk Methods”. Cacciabue, P.C.; Hjälmdahl, M.; Luedtke, A.; Riccioli, C.- Springer, London.
“Safety culture theory, method and improvement”. Antonsen S. – Ashgate
“Il cigno nero”. Taleb N.N. -Saggiatore
“Antifragile”. Taleb N.N. -Saggiatore
“Operational risk”. Tattam D. – Gower
“The field guide to understanding human error”. Dekker S. – Ashgate
“Flying in the Face of Criminalization. The Safety Implications of Prosecuting Aviation Professionals for Accidents”. Michaelides S., Mateou A.
“Whack a mole. The price we pay for expecting perfection”. Marx D.
“FAiR® System (Flowchart Analysis of Investigation Results)“. Baines & Simmons.
“Just Culture. Balancing Safety and Accountability”. Dekker S.
“Capire le organizzazioni”. Catino M. – Il Mulino
“Miopia organizzativa”. Catino M. – Il Mulino
“Da Chernobyl a Linate”. Catino M. – Mondadori Bruno
“Human Error”. Reason J. – Cambridge University Press
“The Human Contribution”. Reason J.- Arena
“Managing the Risks of Organizational Accidents“.Reason J.- Ashgate
“Checklist. Come fare andare meglio le cose“. Gawande A. – Einaudi
“Complications: A Surgeon’s Notes on an Imperfect Science“. Gawande A. – Profile Book